Coming across this long article in the New Yorker about ultra-running:
in which the author Adam Alter talks about spirituality in running, the related articles pointed to more prose of running.
“Faced with a string of these superficial decisions, many people become introspective. They begin to question whether their lives are meaningful. At the same time, they sense that meaningfulness comes from the margins of human experience—that it flowers during times of great joy, pain, frustration, or hardship.”
Similarily, in Kathryn Schulz in “What we think about when we run” concludes that: “To run five or ten or twenty-six miles is, as much as anything else, to engage in a sustained way with the deep strangeness that is the human mind.”
Another suggested article in connection with these two is one by Haruki Murakami what seems to be an excerpt from his book “What I talk about when I talk about running”, which I own and love and keep re-reading. (“On cold days I guess I think a little about how cold it is. And about the heat on hot days.”)
But Kathryn Schulz mentions two other pieces of literature, both of them short stories that I intend to read:
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner by Alan Sillitoe
Poverty Creek Journal by Thomas Gardner